How to Grow Your Own Food and Why You Should Thumbnail image

Gardening is a popular hobby for many, but those less familiar with it may not know where to start. The good news is anyone can learn. Today, Minnesota Equipment will give you all the information you need to grow your own food.

Benefits of Growing Your Own Food

The benefits to starting your own garden are numerous:

Once you get a good crop going, you won’t have to worry about spending so much time in the grocery store. You’ll be able to enjoy the fresh fruits and vegetables while devoting time saved to other projects. Sounds like a win-win to us!

You will become more conscious about how much produce you use which will help you avoid discarding fruits or vegetables that went bad. Even if you harvest too much, you can repurpose the extras. Composting is a good way to repurpose scraps and give your garden a boost.

Having fresh fruit and vegetables right outside your back door lends itself easily to healthier eating habits. You’ll be able to get creative with those tomatoes you grow this summer; salads, salsa, or homemade pasta sauce are all good options.

How to Start

Now that you understand some of the many benefits of growing your own food, here are some steps to take to begin:

  1. Decide where you plan to grow your food

In most cases, the crops you plan to grow will need sunlight. Keep this in mind when picking a spot to start your garden. If your yard does not allow access to direct sunlight, choose crops that will do well in the shade. If you get more sunlight in your front yard, consider setting space aside there rather than the backyard.

  1. Choose your garden bed

If you have limited mobility, choosing a raised bed is a wise move. Raised beds make it easier to access your garden. If you live in an apartment or relocate regularly, container gardening may be for you. Wicking beds are a great choice to limit water usage.

  1. Build your soil

Good soil is perhaps the most important part of home gardening. Without good soil, it will be difficult for your vegetables to grow. To achieve nutritious soil, start composting as soon as you can; scraps from your kitchen and yard waste will go a long way. You can build a compost pile or use other items such as worm bins and compost tumblers. It may be worthwhile to use a lasagna bed which will have you composting in layers. As you build your soil, make sure you add several inches of mulch to retain the soil’s moisture and minimize weeds.

  1. Decide what to grow

Take a moment to think about what crops your family will like, as well as what will work best for your gardening conditions. To that end, keep in mind how much you need to plant to feed everyone. 

Nobody becomes a gardening pro overnight. If you have friends or family who are more experienced, lean on them for advice. They will know what grows well in your area and turning it into a collaborative project helps maintain momentum. 

Partner with Minnesota Equipment

With locations in Rogers, Savage, Isanti, and Ham Lake, the equipment dealers and experts at Minnesota Equipment stand ready to help you feed yourself. With best-in-class equipment inventory and helpful, qualified professionals to help answer your inquiries, we can help you tackle any project. Visit us at our website to connect with a professional near you.